Friday, December 23, 2011

Soto Tangkar PPC, Pluit

It's time for soto tangkar... this is not like any other soto tangkar, you can replace the meat with the beef satay  to be served on your soto tangkar. This is extremely yummy and you really have to try it if you're in Pluit area. But, you have to come early as by 1pm there would be nothing left there. So, the early bird catches the worm...!! hahaha

As you can see from the pic, it is really tempting... just simply add chilly into it and you can enjoy the best soto tangkar in town.. :p

Soto tangkar PPC is quite famous actually... but you'll never expect that the place is located only in a basketball court with just a 'gerobak' and  2 wooden tables and chairs. If it's too crowd then you'll have to find a seat along the basketball court. 

Address:     Komplek Pluit Putri Center
              (Lap.basket, pas masuk komplek langsung bs kliatan lap basketnya)
              Jl. Pluit Raya, Jakarta
Price: 15K-25K


  1. Mannn, this particular soto is beyond awesome. Rasa setengah gosongnya sate sapi meets the savory broth. Just had it last week and still craving for more.

  2. hihihi makanannya orang pluit abissss, must try!

  3. iyah... enak banget yah.. duh jdi ngiler deh.. hahaha :p

  4. are they open everyday? Saturday?

  5. are they open everyday? Saturday?
